A Moist Banana Loaf Recipe

1 Cup Sugar (200gr)
1/2 Cup butter (113 gr)
2 eggs whisked
4 Ripened Bananas Mashed Finely (the browner the better)
1 &1/2 Cups Cake flour (180 gr)
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp Vanilla Essence

To a large bowl add the Sugar and Butter and Whisk until Creamy.
Now add the eggs and mashed bananas and mix until well combined.
Now add your sifted flour, baking soda and salt. And stir.
Add the vanilla essence and mix well.
Pour your mixture into a well greased loaf tin.
And bake in a preheated 180C oven for 40 – 50 Min and Until skewer comes out clean.
Makes 8 mini loaves or 1 big loaf.