Old Fashioned Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

When it comes to shrimp, I usually purchase frozen shrimp since that is what I have access to here in the Northeast United States. Pricey fresh shrimp may be difficult to come by! However, if you come across a fantastic bargain, take advantage of it! I make every effort to get wild-caught, tail-on shrimp wherever possible. Costco has been the most successful place for me to locate this! Although larger shrimp have a more aesthetically attractive appearance, smaller shrimp may still be utilized.
Making teriyaki sauce at home is a pleasure since it’s a simple mix of cupboard items that packs a flavorful punch. Another advantage is that you have complete control over what ingredients are used in the sauce. I strongly advise choosing low-sodium soy sauce since salt can always be added, but it cannot be taken away after it has been applied.

1 head ofcabbage
2lb ground beef
2 grated onions
1cup of rice
Salt, pepper, cilantro
Tomato sauce
Quince 1pc

Boil cabbage Mix meat, onions, rice, salt, pepper, chopped cilantro.
Take a leaf of cabbage put the minced meat and wrap in cabbage roll Put cabbage rolls in a saucepan, cover with a plate, put sliced quince over the rolls, and pour in tomato sauce.
Cook until tender.
