Lasagna with Pie Crust and Ground Beef

Lasagna Ingredients with Pie Crust and Ground Beef

2 tablespoons of oil
1 chopped onion
1/2 tablespoon (soup) minced garlic
1.5 kg of ground beef
1.5 kg of beaten tomato
salt and kingdom pepper to taste
1/2 cup (tea) of chopped sauce
1 roll of cake dough (500 g)
400 g sliced mozzarella cheese
Olive oil to grease
1/2 cup (tea) of olive oil to drizzle

preparation mode
In a saucepan, over medium warmth, warmness the oil and sauté the onion and garlic Add the ground beef and fry for 5 minutes or until golden. Put the tomato and smoothie for 10 more minutes on low heat. Season with salt, pepper, turn off the heat and mix the sauce. In a medium greased refractory, develop the pasta and put a layer of pasta, but do not cut the pasta. Put a portion of the meat and a mozzarella. Return to the pie dough on top of the filling and layer, with the dough going back and forth, and with the filling, ending in sauce and cheese. Close the edges with wooden toothpicks. Water with the olive oil and light in the medium oven, preheated, for 30 minutes or until golden. Remove and serve below